Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Environmental Management Bureau records, 1970-1998
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Montana. Department of Environmental Quality.
- Title
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Environmental Management Bureau records
- Dates
- 1970-1998 (inclusive)19701998
- Quantity
- 18.8 linear feet
- Collection Number
- RS 494 (Formerly RS 437)
- Summary
- This collection is a sub-subgroup (Bureau) of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality records. The Mining Bureau (formerly named Hard Rock Bureau and Environmental Management Bureau) currently (as of 2024) operates within the Air, Energy, and Mining Division. Please see the primary finding aid for more Montana Department of Environmental Quality records. This collection (1970-1998) is comprised of records documenting the work of the Mining Bureau and includes case files and subject files.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)
Historical NoteReturn to Top
From the 1970s to the early 1990s (1993-1994) the Hard Rock Bureau was part of the Reclamation Division of the Department of State Lands. The State Board of Land Commissioners delegated its authority for administering hard-rock and placer mining laws in Montana to the Department of State Lands. The Reclamation Division was responsible for administering and enforcing Montana’s mined land reclamation statutes and administrative rules. This responsibility included regulating all mining activities on state, federal, and private lands (excluding Indian Reservation and Tribal lands), and reclaiming abandoned mines. Four bureaus within the division administered various programs to meet statutory requirements: the Coal and Uranium Mining Bureau, the Hard Rock Bureau (HRB), the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Bureau, and the Opencut Mining Bureau. In 1994, the HRB was composed of four sections/functions: Exploration, Mine Permitting, MEPA Coordination, and Small Miners.
With the reorganization of the states’ natural resource permitting programs, what had been known as the Department of State Lands, Reclamation Division, Hard Rock Bureau, moved to the Department of Environmental Quality. From 1998 to the 2010s, the former Hard Rock Bureau fell under umbrella of DEQ’s Permitting and Compliance Division’s Environmental Management Bureau. Renamed the Hard Rock Mining Program, it regulated the mining of all ore, rock, or substances except oil, gas, bentonite, clay, coal, sand, gravel, peat, soil materials and uranium. The Hard Rock Mining Program also issued permit modification decisions for mining and reclamation of hard rock minerals, while ensuring that any mining that does occur does so with adequate protection of environmental resources. The program also conducted compliance inspections to assess compliance with applicable mining and reclamation requirements and to offer compliance assistance. Finally, the Hard Rock Bureau ensured public involvement in their functions by complying with the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) and other public notice and public participation statutes.
Prior to 2024, the Hard Rock Bureau was renamed the Environmental Management Bureau, and, as of 2024, it is now named the Mining Bureau. The Mining Bureau operates within the Air, Energy, and Mining Division of DEQ.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
This collection is primarily composed of retired case files, most of which come from the Hard Rock Bureau when it was a part of Department of State Lands. These case files consist of operating permits for larger mines; denied operating permits for larger mines; and the files of small miners that did not disturb the land, successfully completed reclamation, did not complete reclamation, or whose claim was released due to death.
An operating permit file may include application materials, operating permit, maps and drawings, reclamation plans, and correspondence. A denied operating permit file can include the application, maps and drawings, reclamation plans, amendments, deficiencies responses, and correspondence.
A small miner file may include the Small Miner Exclusion Statement, annual reports filed by the miner, field inspection reports, maps and drawings, and correspondence. The small miner files occasionally include information about the death of the miner, such as a note from the spouse or an obituary, indicating that the file should be closed.
Also contained in this collection are subject files that document the application process of larger mines/mining companies, namely Noranda’s Montanore Mining project, Crown Butte Mines Inc.’s New World Mining project, the Montana Gold project (“Seven-Up Pete Joint Venture Gold Mine”), and a Zortman and Landusky mining project. These subject files include draft Environmental Impact Statements, public comment letters regarding proposed mining applications, and technical papers.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Alternative Forms Available
Alternate Forms AvailableMontanore Mine files are also available on microfiche (SMF 19).
Restrictions on Use
Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of the Montana Historical Society. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collection. In some cases permission for use may require additional authorization from the copyright owners. For more information contact an archivist.
Preferred Citation
Item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Library & Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
This collection is arranged by series.
Location of Collection
43: 2-7Processing Note
In 2024, the various collections of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality were integrated under one collection identifier, RS 494, in order to help facilitate access, reduce redundancy in the MTHS catalog, and to follow best archival practices.
Collections from Montana Department of Environmental Quality's various Divisions and Bureaus that were previously treated as separate entities are now integrated into this collection, RS 494. Rather than reprocessing over 150 linear feet of DEQ materials, MTHS staff decided to keep the past arrangement of those collections/finding aids, and provide access to them via links through the central finding aid. This decision has allowed the MTHS archival staff to maintain intellectual control over the collection, while removing the need to reprocess it. It also keeps State Agency finding aids at manageable sizes. Please read the scope and content note carefully to determine if this subgroup/sub-subgroup pertains to your research needs.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Case Files (Operating Permits – Issued)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 1 | Anaconda Company (Fields Sandstone) |
1974-1975 |
1 / 2 | Bannack Silver, Inc. |
1972-1986 |
1 / 3 | Big Sky Metals |
1981-1984 |
1 / 4 | Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad |
1977-1981 |
1 / 5-6 | Davis, Delmar (Fjeld Coulee Quarry, Brownstone
Quarry) |
1976-1986 |
1 / 7 | Day Mines Inc. |
1973-1975 |
1 / 8-9 | Drummond Mining Company (Deep Creek Mine) |
1986-1988 |
1 / 10 | Empire Sand and Gravel |
1972-1975 |
1 / 11 | Gallium Gold and Silver Mining Corporation |
1972-1980 |
1 / 12 | Gold Tech Inc. |
1974-1978 |
1 / 13 | (The) Green Company Inc. |
1973-1977 |
1 / 14 | Hilde Construction and Maronick
Construction |
1974 |
1 / 15-16 | Janey Construction |
1972, 1974 |
1 / 17 | L.L.B. and Associates Ltd. |
1975 |
1 / 18 | Manufactures Mineral Company |
1975-1984 |
1 / 19 | Maronick Construction Company |
1979 |
1 / 20 | Montana Department of Highways |
1973-1974 |
1 / 21 | Montana Power Company |
1974-1976 |
1 / 22-23 | Nevada Montana Silica and Gypsum |
1974-1983 |
1 / 24 | U.S. Corps of Engineers |
1974-1975 |
Case Files (Operating Permits – Pending)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 1-7 | Special Lady Mining Corp. (Pretty Girl, St. Joe
placers) |
1987-1988 |
Case Files (Small Miners – Reclaimed or Undisturbed)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 8 | A (Abacus Industries, Ltd.; Adams, Everett ; Ailport,
Tim; Alexander, Dee W.; Amselco Exploration, Inc. (A. P. Taylor); Antonioli, Peter J.;
Arnott, Edwin L.; Atlas Mining Company (Frank Frankovich)) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 9 | B (B and B Mining; Bacon, Edward D.; Banning, Vilas
S..; BAS Mining Corporation (William H. Bird); Basic Metals Mining and Milling Co.
(Ralph E. Krause); Beaver, Gus; Bergloff, C. L. and Nettie Bergloff; Berglynn
Resources (USA), Inc.; Big Sky GeoResources; Bonner, J. T.; Boomer, David R.; Brandon,
Duane; Brien, Leonard K. Sr.; Bubany,Tony; Buehler, Alan and Robert Stockton; Burnham,
Dean; Byrd, Stanley M.) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 10 | C (Carney, James P. ; Carter, Arthur D.; Casciano,
Frederick M.; Casper, James Otis; Catsam Mining Company; Carpenter, Gery; Cebulski,
Russel D.; Centennial Explorations; Childs, Arthur K.; Chouteau County (Mont.)
Conservation District; Clark, William H. (Double Fluff Placer Claim); Conley, J. A.;
Cooper, Walter, Jr.; Coriell, Betty, et al.; Cowan, Edmund J. (d. b. a. Research
Service); Cox. Clifford V. and Joyce M.; Cox (Bobby Boy Claim); Cox, George P.;
Cummings, Jerry "Mac") |
1970-1989 |
2 / 11 | D (D-G Mines (George T. Croonenberghs); D and N
Mining, Inc.; Daniel, J. D.; Day Mines, Inc.; de Barathy, Sidney A.; DeBoers, Jack;
Delaney, Jean and Henry S.; Delmo Mine (William J. Nelson); DePuy Family
Partnership(David W. DePuy); DePuy-Glen Limited Partnership No. 1; DePuy- Glen Limited
Partnership No. 2; Dettinger, Robert E.; Donegan, Sylvan Jr.; Douglas Emma L. (Hill
Billy's Placer Claim); Draszt, Gary L.; Dry Head Agate Company; Duncan, L. Guy; Duval,
Frank) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 12 | E (Ecklesdafer, Ernest C., Sr.; Eddy Peak Mining
Company; Edwards, E. M. and W. I. Gray; Eiden, Nels and Aelda Eidan; Engh, Palmer;
Erickson, August T.) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 12 | F (Favero, Josephine; Ferguson, Robert G.; Fifield,
Richard; Fiscus, Leonard; Fitts, W.B.; Flower, Don; Frisbee, Clarence L. "Roy";
Frisbie, Clinton C.) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 13 | G (Galli Explorations Company; Gammil, Bob S. (Gammil
Mining and Exploration Co. ); Gardiner School Districts 4 and 7; Garrett, Eugene H.;
Gem Mining Company (Robert D. Lane); Gemco International, Inc.; George, Richard K.;
Giachino, Paul (Emma May No. 1 and 2 Claims); Gillis, John E.; Gluck, George S.; Gold
Resources, Inc. (Ronald Willden); Golden Roc Mines Company (Frank A. Walker, Jr.);
Goldenstein, Michael R.; Graham, Donald A.; Gregory, Steven; Gruber, William P.
"Bill"; Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation (formerly GRC Exploration Company)) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 14 | H (Hafer, Carl, Sr.; Hall, W. A.; Hansen, Bruce
Daniel; Harr, Arthur Bruce; Haskins, Perry; Hathaway Ranch (Robert R. Heinle);
Hayworth, Ross M.; Heartland Oil and Mineral Corporation; Heffner, Gerald; Hemphill
Brothers, Inc.; Henderson, James E.; Hennessey, George D.; Hermiston, Walter J.;
Higle, Lawrence E.; Hill, Violet M. (Lost Charlie Placer Claim); Hoefle, Richard C.;
Hoffman, Edward B.; Hogan, Harold R.; Hollowell, James D.; Homestake Mining Company;
Hooper, William A. and Daryl; Hopkins, John F.; Host Development Enterprises, Ltd.;
Hughes Creek Recovery; Huston, Clyde N.) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 15 | I (Idaho Cibola Mines, Inc.; Irwin, William L.; Island
Mining (USA), Inc.) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 15 | J (Jack Waite Mining Company (Marvin Neel and Jack
Stronstrom); Janney Construction Company; Jewell, David W.; Jim Caras Floral and
Nursery, Inc.; Jim Gilman Excavating, Inc.; Job, Dominic S.; Johnson, Archie M.;
Johnson, Beverly Ann; Johnson, Chester; Johnson, Clifton; Johnsrud, Ralph A.;
Johnston, Howard) |
1970-1989 |
2 / 15 | K (K and K Claims (John Karvonen and Wayne Koski);
Kaiser, H. B.; Kelbar Company (Wallace W. Dolph); Kirk, Randall N.; Kirkenberg, Knute;
Kohl, Charles W.; Kop-Ran Development Corporation; Kulawinski, Richard F.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 1 | L (Lady K Mining Company; Lahti, Clyde I.; Landusky
Mining; LaStofka, Robert (Little Annie Claim); Lawlor, Ryan J. and Patricia; Lay,
Andy; LBM Construction, Inc.; Lind, Albert; Loranz, Edward P.; Lynn, Robert
L.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 1-2 | M (M. R. Massey and Associates; Manger, Russell; Mann,
Archie C.; Maple Leaf Silver Mine, Inc.; Mascot Silver-Lead Mines Inc.; McFall, C.
Carew; McGahn, Vernon; McIntyre Construction Company; McKean, Robert B.; McKelvey, T.
A.; Meggers, Donald B.; Mendenhall, David Lowell; Metesh, Joe; Meyer, Jeffrey W.;
Mine-X, Inc.; Minerals Engineering Company; Minerals West Joint Venture; Mistake Lode
(Marion DuBeau); Mitchell, Alvia E.; Mitchell. Richard B.; Mo, Hans; Moats, Jesse;
Montana Barite Company; Montana Mineral Services, Inc.; Monte Vista Company; Morgan,
James M.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 3 | N (Nelson, Mary; Nettleton, Arthur; New Park Mining
Company; Newmiller, H. L.; Nicolls, Roy E.; Nolte, Robert S.; Noonan, James F. ;
Noranda Exploration, Inc.; Nord Resources Corporation; Norgaard, Inar; North American
Metals, Inc.; Northland Mining Corporation (David F, Cook and David P.
Beck)) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 3 | O (O. C. D. Mining, Inc.; Ogilvie, Wilbur R.; Ogle,
Franklin G.; Ojala, Gary L.; Ojala, Jesse; Oliphant, Rupert A.; Olson, Charles T.;
Olson, Joe A.; Ore Producers Company; O'Reilly. H.T.; Ozanne,Paul) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 4 | P (Padilla, Pat; Painter Family Enterprises;
Palmisciano, Daniel A.; Pankowski, Elsie; Pankowski, Thomas; Paradis, George E.;
Patrick Harrison Mining Corporation; Pentecost, Tom; Perry, Frederick A.; Perry, James
N.; Persak, James J.; Peterson, Jan; Peterson, Lanora M.; Phillips, George; Pica
Mining Company (Pica Gypsum Mine); Pickens, Delmas; Pickering , Duane L.; Poat, Ben
E.; Powell, Tom; Powers, Mike and Eugene J.; Prairie West Stone Company; Prison,
Peter) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 5 | Q (Quintana Minerals Corporation) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 5 | R (R. J. Studer and Sons (Ralph J. Studer, Jr.
);Ramsey, Paul M.; Rankin, Joseph W.; Rankin, William Ernest; Red River Oil and Gas,
Inc.; Resources Investments, Inc.; Richardson, Gay D.; Risken, John; Robert Bell
Farming Corporation; Roessner, Elmer C.; Rogers, Norman; Rogge. Clifford; Rosebud
County (Mont.); Runyon, C. K.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 6-7 | S (Sargent, Esther; Sandman, Clara M. and Ivan J.;
Sandstrom, Ture; Schaffer, Ed; Scheitlin, Edward E.; Schmaus, Edward J.; Schmaus,
Richard; Schmitz, George; Schneider, Frederick, Jr.; Scholz Minerals Engineering,
Inc.; Schreiber, Jerry D.; Schreiber, Russel G.; Schreiner, Henry; Scott, Charles D.;
Scott, Jack E. (Century Silver Mines, Inc.); Seiler, Art; Setzer, William F.; Shaw,
Charles M.; Shook, Nancy; Silver Creek Mining Company (Willie Downs); Smith, Clarke J.
Jr.; Smith, George W.; Smith, Hubert F.; Smith, S. L.; Snyder, Darl; Spar Mining
Company; Spinney, Lauren R.; Spit Fire Mine (Doyle D. Morris and Larry G. Duff);
Springer, Ruth L. and Betty; Lykins Star Mines and Mill (Lewis B. Stark); Starr,
Robert G.; Stauner, Norbert C.; Stephens, Wayne L.; Stevens, James E.; Stevens, Joe;
Stiener, Kurt; Stokes, Todd; Stratton, William G.; Sullivan, Harley) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 8 | T (Talarico, Ralph T.; Taylor-Knapp Company; Techmine
Exploration and Gem, Inc.; Thomsen, LeRoy M. and Jack L. Pittman; Thornton, Dale L.;
Tillotson, Ira M.; Tillotson, Virtus I.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 8 | U (U. S. Industrial Metals Corporation; Union Carbide
Corporation, Metals Division; URECO, Inc.; Utah International, Inc.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 8 | V (Verzuh, Nicholas M.; Vincent, William F.; Vitrain
Corporation; Voermans, Jacob "Jake") |
1970-1989 |
3 / 9 | W (Walker, F. Bart; Warnken, Pansy D.; Webster, James
M., Sr.; Welch, Bruce; Western Energy Company; White Sulphur Mining Corporation;
Wickens Brothers; Wien, Gerald J.; Wigmore, John R.; William C. Dunn and Associates;
Williams Brothers Construction; Williams, Ray H.; Wilson, Mike (Michael C.); Wilson,
Valerie D.; Wodarz, John J.; Womack, Pete; Woods, Joseph H.; Wright, Elden
G.) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 9 | Y (Yogo Gem and Rock Shop (June L. Flint)) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 9 | Z (Zion, James W.; Zortman Mining, Inc.; Zubrick,
John) |
1970-1989 |
Case Files (Small Miners – No Reclamation, Deceased, Misc.)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
3 / 10-12 | A (AandH Mining; AandM Mining; Abbot, Granville
Stuart; Adams, P.F.; Adkins, James; AgAu Inc.; A-Gem Exploration and Mining Company;
AGMC Corporation (Raymond J. Chico); Ajax Gold Ltd. (Don Jenkins); Akre, Jerry; Al
John Mining and Exploration, Inc.; Albers, August A.; Albers, Claude J.; Alexander,
June; Allen, Harry; Almond, J.; Alpine Minerals; Altenburg, Otto F.; Ambassador Gold
Ltd.; American Mineral Engineering; Amsk, David R.; Amundson, Norris E.; ANCO
Construction; Anderson, Doris; Anderson, Helen; Anderson, John; Anderson, Mildred Mae;
Anderson, Ralph E.; Anderson, William; Andreatta, Arthur S.; Andrews, Henry; Andrews,
Vern; Anglin, Walter E.; Anliker, Nick; Antonioli, Frank M.; Antonioli, Peter J.;
Armfield, Leo; Armalite Minerals; Arpan, Joseph O.; Asbridge, Thomas B.; Ashcroft,
Mabel; Auger, Veloy H.; Aukalburn, Harley; Austin, Ray E.; Axt, Alvin) |
1970-1989 |
3 / 13-4 / 6 | B (B.C. Enterprises; Babcock, Donald Ray; Bachert,
Ben; Badger Mining; Bahny, Bill; Bailey, Kenneth D.; Bain, Alan R.; Baker, Thomas E.;
Baldry, Dennis Q.; Baldry, Patrick; Baldwin, Robert L.; Balison, Harvey D.; Ballard
Mining Company, Inc.; Barham, Daniel; Barnard Construction Company; Barnard, M.J.;
Barnhart, Thomas W.; Barrett, Edward M.; Base Metals and Energy (Roger Goddard);
Baston, Vernon M.; Batchelder, Edwin; Baty Mining Company; Bauer, Edna C.; Bauska,
Glen; Bayles, R.G.; Bayles, Robert S.; Beal Mining, Inc.; Beaman International;
Beaver, Raymond L.; Bechtel, Oscar F.; Beebe, Bruce W.; Belgarde, Gary; Belus, Martin
L.; Benham, Wayne L. and Baugus, J.B.; Benich, Frank; Bennett, Carroll; Bennett, Dan
G.; Berscham Energy and Minerals; Bernco Corporation of Montana; Beyers General
Constructors; Bielenberg, Marc; Big Hole Exploration; Big Mountain Ski Area; Big Sky
Sapphire, Inc.; Bigelow, George; Bishop, John S.; Black Hawk Mining Company, Inc.;
Black Rock Mining Ltd.; Bladholm, T.A.; Blair, Arnold (Pat Morris); Blalock, David and
Lorie; Blankenship, James; Blankenship, Larry; Blatherwick, Bruce; Blazek, Robert J.;
Blewitt, Betty; Bliss, K.L.; Bliss, Lee; Bliss, Malcolm; Blixt, C.W.; Blom, Philip A.;
Blue Jay Mining Company; Blue Range Mining Company; Boeh, Omer; Boger, Eugene; Bogut,
David R. (Les Bratlee); Bojo Company (Jerry A. Hoover); Bon Mont; Bonacord Mining
Company (Charles Koski); Border, Bob; Boscarino, Sam J.; Boulder Creek, Inc. (Ned
Hardy); Bourguin, C.W.; Bowers, Donald J.; Bowers, R.C.; Boyce, Mrs. Stanley; Bozlee,
Raymond G.; Bradstreet Excavation; Brady, James V.; Braham, Harold A.; Branz, Roger
L.; Brazil, George and Duane; Brennan, Raymond J.; Brien, Leonard K.; Brimhall, Glade
D.; Brindley, Hugh; Brinton, Reed W.; Broadwater County; Bromlie, Marta; Brown, Barron
K.; Brunckhorst, C. Lyle; Bryant, Berry; Bullock, Allan J.; Bullock Brothers;
Burgener, Tommy E.; Burgett, John S.; Burmaster, Willie; Burns II, Gordon C.; Burns,
William L.; Burrow, Bruce R.; Burrows, Jim; Busch, Lane; Butler, John W.; Bykarti,
Ted; Byrd, John H.) |
1970-1989 |
4 / 7-4 / 11 | C (C.B.andS. Ventures; C.C.andR. Mining; Cable
Mountain Mines, Inc. (Nolan Smith); Cameron, Archie D.; Cameron, Robert A.; Campbell,
Kenneth D.; Campbell, U.C.; Cannon, Bart; Carberry, John; Corkill, Marvin E.; Carlile
Construction; Carpenter, T.E.; Carpp, Charles; Carruthers, David B.; Carson Mineral
Consultants, Inc.; Carson, Robert C.; Carson, William C.; Carter Brothers Mining;
Casagranda, Earl; Casino Creek Concrete; Castello, Nellie; Castles Sapphire Mine;
Cazier, V.R.; Century Silver Mines, Inc.; Champion International; Chamberlain, Ray;
Chance, Loren; Channel Mining Inc. (Stan R. Jacobson); Chaussee, Wil; Chelsea
Resources (U.S.), Inc.; China Wall Mining Company; Chromoga, Ted; Cibola VIII (David
Reed Jr.); Cibola Resources, Inc.; Clark Brothers Construction; Clark, Charlie G.;
Clary, Donald M.; Clary, Jack A.; Clayton, Bill; Cletus, Wayne Mining, Inc.; Clopton,
Earl C.; Coleman, E.E.; Collins, John L.; Collins, Nancy; Cominco American Resources,
Inc.; Cominco American, Inc.; Como Mining Company (Earl R. Nott); Comola, Billo M.;
Concor (Marvin Corkill); Conklin, Earl Jr.; Connor, Thomas J.; Constable, Henry S.;
Continental Barite; Cook, Minnie; Cooper, Pete; Copenhaver-Poggeman; Coppinger, Ray
D.; Coronado Mining Corporation; Cotton, A.J.; Cottonwood Silver Mining Company;
Counts, Dewey; Counts, Garland S.; Counts, J.H.; Counts, Kester A.; Cox, Ben G.; Cox,
George P.; Craig, Lloyd T.; Crane, Francis L.; Critchfield, Albert; Croff, Florence;
Crump, David O.; Cullen, Rand B.; Culver, John A.; Curley Gulch Mining Company;
Cunningham Construction) |
1970-1989 |
4 / 12-5 / 2 | D (D.J. Minerals (Duane J. Johnson); D.J.andP.; D-K
Rentals and Contracting; D.Z. Exploration J.V.; Dalton, C.K.; Darfler, Henry;
Davenport, R.E.; Davidson, C.H.; Davidson, Roy; Davis, Ernest D.; Davis, Gary W.;
Davis, Glen R. Sr.; Davis, Richard G.; Davis, Roger W.; Davis, Roy E.; Davis, Vernon
C.; Dawson, E.B.; Dawson, Mary; Day, Patrick H.; Deadman Corporation (R. Cosgrove);
Dean, William Jr.; Debeau, Ester M.; DeBuff Drilling Company; Dechalte Mining, Inc.
(B. Dale Fayram); Décor Stone (Alfred Hokanson); Deep Creek Mines; Deiters, Fred J.;
Development Operating Corporation (Robert E. Tally); Deveraux, Roy; Dillon
Exploration, Inc.; Dimmett, Thomas E.; Dix, Wesley; Dodd Development Company; Dodgson,
Claude; Doherty, Eugene and Lorraine; Doherty, Jack; Doherty, James J.; Driessen,
Dennis K.; Dru-Bee Mine; Dugan, Donald N.; Duke, Carl; Duncan, Mark S.; Dunkle,
Theodore M.; Dunks, William; Dunlap, Larraine R.; Dusenbeury, Paul) |
1970-1989 |
5 / 3-4 | E (Earth Sciences, Inc.; East Pacific Mines, Inc.;
Eaton, Lawrence R.; Ecceston, David; Eccleston, Oran H.; Eckerson, Jacob T.; Eierman,
Carwyn; Eldorado Corporation (James Peterson); Elk Mountain Mining Corporation (Harold
L. Bieber); Elkhorn Mining Corporation (Wade V. Lewis); Ellingson, Harold M.; Empire
Sand and Gravel; Energy Savers Mining of Montana; Englejard Mining Company; Enterprise
Mines; Erickson, William C.; Erlandson, Claus L.; Ernst, Norman; Eubank, Jay; Evans,
J.R. Sr.; Excavating Service) |
1970-1989 |
5 / 5-6 | F (Falcon Exploration (Everett E. Berg); Fargo Energy
Corporation; Fausett International, Inc.; Ferguson, Gene H.; Figgins, Willie;
Finbratten, H.C.; Finley, Roger M.; Finn, John W. (Our Only Chance Quartz Lode);
Fraleigh, Russell; Flanigan, Thomas; Flathead Mine; Flint, George; Floberg, Kimberly;
Flowers, Richard; Fluto, Richard; F.L. Flynn and Company; Forest, Chester; Forrest,
W.C.; Fortner, Tracy; Forum Mining (Garth W. Billings); Foster, Earl; Frank Brothers
Mining (Gerald B. Frank); Frank, Leslie; Frederick, Eric; Fredlund, Dale (Flint Range
Mining); Free Gold Lode; Freeland, Jesse A.; Fritsche, Louis; Frost, James W.;
Furlong, Leo (Glen L. Drake)) |
1970-1989 |
5 / 7-10 | G (GandJ Mining, Inc. (Richard Gerhart); GandL
Construction, Inc.; GandL Holdings; Gabel, Michael; Gabriel, David A.; Gabriel,
Michael; Gaffri, Scott; Galloway, Ron E.; Gardner, John T.; Garmisch, Paul A.;
Garrick, D.J.; Gaylor, William M.; Gehrke, A.A.; Geiger, Donald J.; Taplan, Richard
M.; Geogar Mining; George, Richard K.; Gerk, Ray; Gheen, Virginia; Gibson, Richard W.;
Gierke III, John; Gijuere Industries, Inc.; Gila Placers; Gildersleeve, George;
Gilpatrick, John C.; Gilt Edge Mining; Gipsy Creek Mining Company (Lloyd T. Craig);
Giulo, Gorden E.; Geo Resources, Inc. (Don Jenkins); Geo Surveys, Inc.; Gleason,
Wright E.; Goddard, Roger; Goggins, Robert; Gold Cache, Inc.; Gold Coin Mining, Inc.;
Golden Basin Company, Inc.; Golden Ledge, Inc.; Golden Maple Mining and Leaching;
Golden Rule Mining, Inc.; Golden Triangle (Frank L. Brown); Gottschalk, W.B.; Goulding
Jr., Hugh J.; Grace, Walter K.; Grapensteter, Thomas J.; Gray, Harvey E.; Gray, Thomas
J.; Graybeal, D. Kenneth; Green Sr., F.L. and Erla B.; Gregor, R.M.; Grenfill, Ray;
Greyrock Trucking Company; Grizzly Bear Mineral Exploration (Frank Kilian); Guay,
George; Gulf Titanium Ltd.; Gwaltney, Roger) |
1970-1989 |
5 / 11-6 / 1 | H (Hagman, William; Haine, Hazel H.; Hall, Genevieve
(Lucky Strike Mine); Hammond Sr., Bud L.; Hancock, Robert, W.; Hanford Silver and Gold
(Bartlett J. Hanford); Hange, Dennis E.; Hanks, Harold K.; Hanley, Jerry; Hansen,
Spenst; Hanson Properties, Inc.; Hardy, Ned C.; Harlan, Keith H.; Harris, D.W.;
Hartson and Palmer, Inc.; Hasler, Floyd; Hatfield, Koyle; Hauptman, John S.; Haydu,
John A.; Hayen, Carl E.; Hayen, Karen R.; Heaney Sr., Paul J.; Heaton, Mima Lee;
Heberlein, Jim; Heisdorf, Joseph W.; Helehan, Tom; Helena Silver Mines, Inc.; Heller,
Marion; Helzer, Ray; Hendrickson, Ian D.; Henry, George K.; Henson Construction;
Heppner, Harold H.; Hess, T.R. (Cornish Sapphire Mine); Hicks, William; Highsmith,
Joel T.; Hilde Construction Company, Inc.; Hildenbrant, Bill; Hillard, Larry J.;
Hillman, William R.; Hince, Krista K.; Hinkle, Joe; Hjelvik, Iver J.; Hogan, Kim;
Holker, Martin J.; Holland, Tom; Holmes, Don; Holmes, Wendell C.; Holzworth, Dick;
Hooper, Gary; Hopper, Harold M.; Horizon Gold Shares, Inc.; House, Bryan; Hoven,
Walter J.; Howald, David M.; Howard Mining and Exploration; Howes, Jack; Hoy, Patrick
J.; Hubbel; Claire; Huber, John L.; Huber, J.M. Huckaba, Ralph; Huff, Albert; Hughes,
C.W.; Hughes Mining Company, Inc.; Hughley, Robert C.; Hunt, Jack; Hunt, Milton;
Huntwork, Charles; Huntsman, Donald J.; Hutchings, Carol; Huxtable, Warren
E.) |
1970-1989 |
6 / 2 | I (Ibex Construction Company (J. Jim Jackson); Idaho
Power Company; Image, Inc. (Kenneth R. Flat); Immel, Ted; Impact Resources, Inc.;
Indian Creek Development Company (R.G. Bayles); Ingram, Joseph R.; Isaacs,
Chester) |
1970-1989 |
6 / 3-4 | J (JandJ Resources; J.L. Prince Company; JTL Group,
Inc.; JandW Backhoe Service; Jackson, Alex O.; Jacobsen, Clifford; Jacobson, Clifford;
Jacobson, J.E.; James, Lee M.; James, L.S.; January Mining Company; Jaquette, Frank;
Jarrett Construction, Inc.; Jarrett, Dave; Jarvis, John; Jenkins, Clayton; Jensen,
James; Jesser, Gene and Alvin; Jette, Alfred and Christine; Jette, Joseph H.; Job,
Robert M.; Johnson, Dale; Johnson, Edward A.; Johnson, Ernest W.; Johnson, George A.;
Johnson, Gunnar S.; Johnson, Kenneth B.; Johnson, Kevin; Johnson, Mac; Johnson, Mark
L.; Johnston, James L.; Jones, Cloyde W.; Jones, Paul A.; Jordan
Contracting) |
1970-1989 |
6 / 5-8 | K (KandN Minerals; Kaatz, James G.; Kamp, Greg;
Kaiser, Albert E.; Kannegaard, Charles L.; Kardash, Tom J.; Katseanes, Harry S.; Keil,
Leroy C.; Keith, Lynn; Kelley, William G.; Kelly, Jack; Kennedy, Frank and Harland
Anundson; Keough, Robert; Kimsey, Mary Lou; Kincaid, Glenn; King, David; King, Warren
A.; King, Uwe; King of Kings Mines; Kinton, Robert T.; Kiser, Bruce; Klein Jr.,
William P.; Klevgaard, Ewald; Knapp, Jack M.; Knapstad, Amos Daniel; Knight, Blanche;
Knobel, F. Eugene; Knobloch, Rollyn G.; Knowlson, James S.; Knopf, Vern; Knudsen,
Bruce; Knutson, Selmer (Everett White); Kohl, Kenneth (Don Smith); Kohl, Richard W.;
Koich, Michael S.; Kolstad, Charles; Konesky, Donna and Steven; Konitz Contracting,
Inc.; Koocanusa Mines; Koon, L.J.; Kootenay Copper Mines, Inc.; Koppen Mining and
Construction Corporation; Kosjer, Nicholas; Kotowski, Roland; Kountz, John D.;
Kovaschetz, Wayne; Krumbeck, Keith; Krysinski, Walter G.; Kucera, George; Kurth,
Arthur A.; Kuebler, Edward; Kynett, Ivan) |
1970-1989 |
6 / 9-13 | L (Laas, Lila; Laczay, Peter W (Summit Silver, Inc.);
LaFond, Lloyd; Land Resources; LaPalme, M.R.; La Prath, Hans; Larson, Elliot; Larson,
Lynn J.; Lasalle, Patrick L.; Laufer, Alta; Lavery Norman G.; Lavinder, Warren H.;
Lawver, Grant E.; Layton, John A.; Ledford, John A.; Lee, Ira; Lee Mining; Lehman,
Arnold A.; Leikam, Mary T.; Leischbner, Willard T.; Lemire, Shull; Lepp, Leonard;
Leritz, Nick; LeTempt, Gary L.; Lewis, Arlin C.; Lewis, John T.; Lewis, Roderick A.;
Lexington Silver Lead Mines; Liffring, Robert; Lightfoot, A.D.; Lindell, H.N.;
Lindner, Edward; Lindquist, Lester; Lindstrom, Gerald H.; Linstead, Neil; Linstead,
Sondee; Little, Francis; Little, George A.; Little, Jerry; Lix, George D.; Loader,
Louis Gilbert; Lodi Minerals; Lofftus, Dan G.; Lofstrom, William K.; Logan, Gerry M.;
Logan, Will; Lokowich, John; Loman, John A.; Long, David W.; Long, Eugene A.; Long,
Howard E.; Long, Robie Lou; Long, William K.; Longnocker, Russell; Look, Ivan N.;
Lopata, Raymond T.; Louisiana Pacific Corporation (Allen R.Rnaufh); Lovely, Eugene O.;
Lovely, Willis O.; Low, Jim; Lowe, Albert; Ludwick, James D.; Luhman, Don; Lutz,
Kenneth; Lutzenhiser, Earl; Lynn, Jeffrey C.; Lynn Mines and Mining, Inc.; Lyon,
Richard F. and William J. Caldwell) |
1970-1989 |
7 / 1-8 | M (MCM Minerals; MK Weeden Construction; MOD;
MacDonald, Dan; Madison, Frederick K.; Magellan Resources; Magnus, Michael; Magnuson,
Michael J.; Mangels, Charles; Mann, Robert C.; Mann, Ted; Manning, Donald W.; Marker,
Gene F.; Marshall, Donald E.; Marthaller, Lary J.; Martin, George M.; Mason, Hudson;
Mason, Joseph; Matovich, Martin; Mattice, Jerry; Matyastik, Milton J.; Mavros
Associates; Maycumber, Guy E.; Mayland, Wes; Maynard, Burl R.; Maynard, Donald E.;
Mayo, Jack S.; McArthur, Clair W.; McAuliffe, Susan Rae; McConnell, Earl Harvey;
McCord, Richard; McCormack, Sam; McCoy, Clyde D.; McCoy, Lawrence G.; McCracken, David
R.; McDaniel, Randall; McDaniel, Sherri; McDonald, Dan C.; McDonald, Mary Lillian;
McDougal, G.; McGann, Donald E.; McGary, Lewis E.; McGillway, Richard; McGinn, Michael
B.; McGinnis, Jerry; McInerney, Russell A.; McKeehan, C.D.; McKeen, Dennis;
McLaughlin, Dean D.; McLaughlin, Jim; McLaughlin, Jimmie; McLean, William; McLure,
William Park; McMillin, Thomas; McMurtrey, Robert M.; McVeda, William; Merrell,
Donald; Messmer, Timothy C.; Metz, Dan W.; Michener, Raymond; Mihelish, Phillip J.;
Miller, Dennis A.; Miller, Paul J.; Miller, W.K.; Millmara, Mining Company; Mine Sales
and Evaluators, Inc.; Mining Properties Management Group; Miragliotta, Vito; Missoula
Mining; Mitchell, Leo O.; Moats, Donald R.; Moats, Jesse; Modern Exploration and
Mining; Moe, Tony; Montana Bar Mining, Inc.; Montana Gold and Silver Company, Inc.;
Montana Gold Ventures, Inc. (Robert D. Newman); Montana Mining; Montana Research,
Inc.; Monte Christo Mines, Inc.; Montera Mining; Montex Industries Corporation;
Montgomery, Jim A.; Montgomery Construction; Montoya, Bobby; Montvale Corporation;
Moore, Charles H.; Moose Creek Silver Mines, Inc. (Earl Chilcott); Morgan Enterprises;
Morris, A.B.; Morris, Bud; Morris, James; Morris, Lewis D.; Morrissey, Harold L.;
Mortensen, Steve; Mother McCree Mining Company, Inc.; Motley, Dean; Moudree, Herman
L.; Moulton, Vern; Mountain West Materials; Mt. Heagan Development, Inc.; Mulcahy,
William; Mullen, Cole V.) |
1970-1989 |
7 / 9-10 | N (Nash, Thomas G.; National Minerals Corporation;
Neal, Harold; Neel, John; Nelcon, Inc. (David K. Zinke); Nelson, Bernie E.; Nelson,
Burtram; Nelson Sr., Harold G.; Nettleton, Gary; Neumann, Al; New Butte Mining, Inc.;
Newell, Cecil H.; Nonden, Roy O.; Nordstrom, Richard; Northwest Citizens for
Wilderness Mining Company, Inc.; North West Gold, Inc.; North Star Resources (Susan M.
Smith); Nickel, William C.; Norsby, Jerry L.; Nuclear Silver Corporation (Piatt Hull);
Nutter, Joe; Nyegren, Rudy; Nyquest; Theodore J.) |
1970-1989 |
7 / 11 | O (O’Bill, Robert; O’Hara, Robert J.; Ojala, Gary L.;
Oldham, Al; Olson, Milton C.; Oldin Development Company; Oltrogge, Victor; Olympic
Mining Corporation; O’Reilly, H.T.; Orr, Leonard; Oster, Walter P.) |
1970-1989 |
7 / 12-14 | P (P.M.E. Corporation (Ferrall G. Johnson); P-Z Mining
Company (LeRoy J. Davis); Palmer, William J.; Panorama Oil and Minerals; Park County;
Pate, Herbert M.; Patterson, Ernest; Patterson, John H.; Patton, E.A.; Paul, Harvey
and Lynn Risch; Paul II, Robert; Payne, Larine E.; Pearson, Bruce; Pederson, Ray and
Don Gustafson; Peoria Rock Products Company, Inc.; Persons, Clifford O.; Peters,
Gerard F.; Peterson, A.B.; Peterson, Eddie J.; Peterson, Paul; Pickett, William W.;
Pierce, Kevin L.; Pioneer Mining Corporation; Pitt, Steven D.; Plant, John T.; Plexus,
Inc.; Ployhar, Dale S.; Poggeman, George H.; Pollick, John H.; Pollock, Edward B.;
Pool, M.F.; Poston, P.J.; Potratz, Guy G.; Powell, Douglas J.; Pramenko Placers, Inc.;
Prescott, Greg W.; Prickett, Donald I.; Prihoda, Harold; Pryor Mountain Stone Company
(Richard C. Cosgrove); Pryor, Robert C.) |
1970-1989 |
7 / 15 | Q (Quesenberry Sr., Marvin; Questor Mining and
Equipment, Inc.) |
1970-1989 |
8 / 1-4 | R (R.A. Hanson Company, Inc.; RMR Mining Corporation
(James Mike Morgan); Radar Mines; Radon Research Corporation; Raines, Arnold H.;
RAMCO, Inc.; Ratcliff, Marvin W.; Raven, Richard; Raven Mining Company; Ray, Jim;
Raymond, Vern; Recreational Gold Properties, Inc.; Reed, Lemuel J.; Rehbein
Contracting, Inc.; Rehbein, Glenn Excavating, Inc.; Reichel, A.E.; Reilly, Seth M.;
Reinol, Ed; Reneau, Donald; Rennfield, George F.; Rennie, James Richard; Reno, Leroy;
Renz, Jessie; Republic Resources, Inc.; Research and Supply; Resource Investment,
Inc.; Resource Ventures Incorporated; Reykdal, Mervyn K.; Reynolds Jr., Lee; Rexcon,
Inc.; Rhodes, James A.; Rice, Leonard D. (Silver King); Rice, William R.; Riley,
Charles; Riley, S.E.; Ritchie, Larry; R-Lite Concrete Products; Roark, James;
Rochester Enterprises; Roberts, Eldon C.; Robert’s Mining Company; Robertson, Richard
L.; Rodler, Theodore F.; Rogers, Michael T.; Rogers, R.H.; Romas, Carmel E.; Ronning,
Bill E.; Rose, Joseph C.; Rosencrans, James; Rudio, Mark; Rudio, Robert M.; Ruff, Tim;
Russell and Sons Excavating) |
1970-1989 |
8 / 5-13 | S (SandL Construction; Saban, Jim; Salsbury, Frank A.;
Sam Bear Gold Mining Company; Sana Minerals International (John Carberry); Saunders,
Ward E.; Schade, George E.; Schaefer, J.G.; Schaller, Stanley; Schmaus, Edward J.;
Schmaus, Greg; Schmoll Construction, Inc.; Schnur, LaMonte; Schroeder, John; Schultz,
William and Louise; Schumacher, Larry; Scratchgravel Mining Company; Sears, Roger W.;
Searle Brothers Construction; Seekins, Kirk; Seilstad, Marvel; Seleg, Alex; Semsak,
Arthur; Seros, Nick; Setter Mining Company; Shafer, Carl K.; Shaffer, Orren; Shamrock
Mining; Shamrock Goldfields, Inc.; Shanahan, Ward A.; Sheridan Ventures; Sherry and
Yates, Inc.; Shields, William A.; Shingler, Kenneth R.; Shiplet, Robert; Shoupe, David
Roy; Shumaker, Eugene; Shumaker Trucking and Excavating; Siegel Mining, Inc.;
Siegford, Dale E.; Sigety, Leo; Silver Bell, Inc. (Nancy E. Fontaine); Silver Light
Company; Silver Mark Mines, Inc.; Silvertip Mining Company (George E. Shaw); Sisco,
Omer; Sitton, James F.; Sloan, Richard L.; Smigaj, Gary A.; Smigaj, Allan C. and John
T.; Smith, Coby; Smith, Donald N.; Smith, James E.; Smith, John M.; Smith, L.G.;
Smith, Larry J.; Smith, Leo; Smith, Maurice J.; Smith, M.V.; Smith, Paul N.; Smith,
Robert J.; Smith, Ronald; Smith, Vernon E.; Smith, Virgil; Smith, Walter A.; Smith,
William D.; Smock, William; Snider, John H.; Snook, Robert J.; Snowledge Ltd.; Solar
Silver Mines, Inc.; Somerville, K. Gary; Sonju, John A.; Sorenson, Vel; South Boulder
Mining; Soyland, Eric; Sparovic, Louis; Sparrow Resources Ltd.; Special Lady Mining
Corporation; Speerstra, Sam; Sperry, Ruth B.; St. Joe Minerals Corporation; St.
Lawrence Consolidated Mines, Inc.; Stai, Lloyd; Standish, Frank; Stanford, Edward J.;
Star Meadow Mining, Inc.; State Mining Company, Inc.; Stathem, Ralph; Stearns, Wesley
W.; Steiger, Harlin; Stemple, John L.; Stepan, Carl F.; Stinson, Glenn W.; Stoltz,
Mike; Stone, Gregory V.; Stone, Guy F.; Stout, Koehler; Stringer, Glade W.; Strobel,
Tope; Strunk, John T.; Stutzke, Rod; Sundin, Arvid N.; Swanson, Magnus; Switzer,
Sidney; Swope, Clarence) |
1970-1989 |
8 / 14-17 | T (Taber, Clarence G.; Takle, Andy; Tasu Resources
Ltd.; Taylor, Charles R.; Taylor, George F.; Taylor, Richard; Teck Resources (U.S.),
Inc.; Teller, James; Teller, Leighton A.; Tenneson, Emil and Donna; Terpe, Gordon;
Thielbar, Richard L.; Third Term Mine (Delbert Woodly); Thomas, Orval L.; Thomas,
Stewart J.; Thompson, E.L.; Thompson, Harold G.; Thompson, John A.; Thompson, Richard
J.; Thorbergson, Lloyd; Three Z Mining Company; Thronton, Randy Jon; Tiegen and Kelly;
Tillotson, Arthur L.; Tintinger, Douglas E.; Tocci, Knute; Tom Carey Cattle Company;
Toney, James Ray; Toomer, Ronald U.; Toone, Steven; Toplarski, Fred; Trettin, Kenneth
W.; Troy American Corporation (Charles B. Doten); Tudor, Jack M.; Tunstill, Eugene F.;
Turner, C. Jack; Two River Ranch (Dudley S. Tyler); Tyrrel, Nila) |
1970-1989 |
9 / 1 | U (Uncle Sam Mining; Underwood, Prescott; United
Minerals of Great Falls; United Minerals Company (Vernon S. Hill); Universal Power
Resources, Inc. (Jeffrey A. Lease); Ussin, James; UV Industries, Inc.) |
1970-1989 |
9 / 2-3 | V (Valley Mining Company; Van Daele, Andrew; Van
Dyken, William; Van Sickle, Edwin R.; Ver Steegh, Gary; Venture Mining Company;
Vermiculite Corporation; Vetaly, William A.; Vick, Jack; Viking Exploration (Spotted
Horse Mine); Vipond Mining Company (George Guay); Vogl, Glenn; Volker, Albert Edward;
Voss, Carl; Votendahl, Ken C.) |
1970-1989 |
9 / 4-10 | W (WMS Prospectors; Wade, Joseph William; Wagner,
Robert A.; Waibel, Al; Waldbillig, Joe; Walenciak, James C.; Wales, Roy E.; Walker,
Donald J.; Walsh, W.J. (E.A. Watson); Walter, Norman; Ward, Roy L.; Ward Development
Corporation; Warfield, Earl; Warren, Ronald A.; Wartena, Udo A.; Watson, John A.
(E.A.); Watters Construction Company (George C. Watters); Wattula, Rudolph; Wayne
Clutis Mining, Inc.; Weaver, Arthur L. (Weaver Gravel); Weaver, Howard A.; Webster,
Terry; Wegener, Paetow; Wegener, William G.; Weis, Michael; Welch, Gilman; Wertz,
Raymond and Catherine; Wertz, William J.; West Mayflower Mining Company; Western Mines
Services; Western Oil and Minerals; Western Precious Metals, Inc. (John Magnus);
Western Silver Development Company; Weston, Russell E.; Wetterling, William E. and
Mary L.; White, James L.; White Rock, Inc. (Bill Clayton); White’s Gulch Place
Company; Whitney, Claude; Whitney, Darl G.; Wilcox Construction Company; Wilcox, Wayne
and Marian; Wildey, Wilmer; Wildey, Arthur and Wilmer; Wilkins, Evelyn M.; Williams
Family Trust; Williams, Glenn George; Williams, Roger F.; Williams, Will J.; Wilson,
Donald J.; Wilson, Horace; Winchester Gold Corporation; Wing, Terry; Wirtz, Matt B.;
Wisner Sr., Frank B.; Wohlfrom, Earl M.; Woirhaye, Daniel A.; Wollex Exploration Ltd.;
Wolters, Max B.; Wood, Ardean; Wood, Richard G.; Wood, Robert E.; Wood, Robert;
Wornath, Ken; Worsech, Willis; Wright, Theodore H.; Wymont Gypsum Company) |
1970-1989 |
9 / 11 | Y (Yellow Band Mines, Inc.; Yellowstone Irrigation
District; Yellowstone Travertine; Yeoman, Edward; Yorek, Terry G.; Young, Ernest;
Young, James W.; Young, William E.) |
1970-1989 |
9 / 12 | Z (Zawada, John R.; Zeigler, Arthur; Zelka, James;
Zook Brothers Construction) |
1970-1989 |
Subject Files (alphabetical by mining project)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
10 / 1 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal to Prepare EIS on
Seven- Up Pete Joint Venture Gold Mine” – APOTA Geosciences |
1994 |
10 / 2 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – GeoResearch,
Inc. |
1994 |
10 / 3 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Huntingdon Chen-
Northern |
1994 |
10 / 4 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Matney-Frantz
Engineering, Inc. |
1994 |
10 / 5 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Northwest
Community Consultants |
1994 |
10 / 6 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Pioneer Technical
Services |
1994 |
10 / 7-10 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Terra
Matrix |
1994 |
10 / 11 | Montana Gold Project, “Proposal…” – Weston |
1994 |
10 / 12-11 / 11 | Montanore Mine Project (Noranda), Environmental Impact
Statement (Draft, Supplements, internal review comments, Public comments, EPA
comments, Final EIS) |
1989-1993 |
12 / 1 | Montanore Mine Project, Contracts |
1990-1993 |
12 / 2 | Montanore Mine Project, Deficiency Review |
1989-1992 |
12 / 3 | Montanore Mine Project, Meetings – Public |
1990-1993 |
12 / 4 | Montanore Mine Project, Non-agency Task
Forces |
1991 |
12 / 5 | Montanore Mine Project, “Noranda-sponsored Public
Meetings (includes audio tape) |
1990 |
12 / 6-8 | Montanore Mine Project, Operating Permit App.
(pending) |
1989-1990 |
12 / 9 | Montanore Mine Project, “Pre-draft Public” letters
(also Includes project fact sheet/summary of development) |
1992 |
12 / 10 | Montanore Mine Project, Project decision schedule |
1989-1990 |
12 / 11 | Montanore Mine Project, “RFQ-RFPs” (Request for
Qualifications/Proposals) |
1989-1990 |
12 / 12 | Montanore Mine Project, “Responses to Libby Placer
Mining Company’s Wetlands Comments” |
1990 |
12 / 13 | Montanore Mine Project, “Transmission Line”
(Completeness and EIS Review) |
1989 |
12 / 14-19 | New World Mine Project (Crown Butte Mines, Inc.), 1st
– 3rd Completeness Reviews |
1990-1995 |
13 / 1-3 | New World Mine Project, 4th – 6th Completeness
Reviews |
1992 |
13 / 4-12 | New World Mine Project, Responses to Completeness
Reviews |
1991-1992 |
13 / 13 | New World Mine Project, 404 Permit
Application |
1994-1996 |
13 / 14 | New World Mine Project, Application and Summary file |
1990-1997 |
13 / 15-16 | New World Mine Project, “Addendum to Geotechnical
Report for Upper Fisher Creek Site…” |
1992 |
13 / 17 | New World Mine Project, “Aesthetics” (sound
levels) |
1992 |
13 / 18-20 | New World Mine Project, Air Quality Permit (includes
Meteorological data) |
1993-1996 |
13 / 21 | New World Mine Project, Aquatic Biological
Monitoring |
1992-1993 |
13 / 22 | New World Mine Project, Aquatic Macroinvertebrate
Monitoring |
1991 |
13 / 23 | New World Mine Project, Aquatics/Fisheries |
1990-1995 |
14 / 1 | New World Mine Project, “Bedrock Structure and
Hydrogeology” |
1995 |
14 / 2 | New World Mine Project, Biological
Assessment |
1994 |
14 / 3 | New World Mine Project, Capital and Operating
Costs |
1994 |
14 / 4 | New World Mine Project, Contract, Amendments, Change
of Scope Orders |
1990-1998 |
14 / 5 | New World Mine Project, “Cost/Benefit Preliminary
Engineering Study of Pyrite Concentrate Off-site Treatment Alternatives” |
1994 |
14 / 6 | New World Mine Project, Court Cases |
1995 |
14 / 7 | New World Mine Project, Cultural Resources (State
Historic Preservation Office) |
1991-1992 |
14 / 8 | New World Mine Project, “Development of
Alternatives” |
1993-1994 |
14 / 9-10 | New World Mine Project, “Environmental Assessment of
Proposed Actions and Alternatives” |
1991 |
14 / 11 | New World Mine Project, “Environmental Baseline Study
Plan” (Hydrometrics) |
1990 |
14 / 12-15 / 16 | New World Mine Project, Environmental Impact
Study(includes: Internal draft and reviews, Internal working papers, List of
References and Deficiencies, Meeting information, Technical Papers, Planning
information, and Miscellaneous) |
1991-1996 |
15 / 17 | New World Mine Project, Engineering (Waste Rock Dump,
Tailings Impoundment) |
1994-1996 |
15 / 18 | New World Mine Project, “Estimated Groundwater Inflow
To Proposed Underground Mine Workings” (Hydrometrics) |
1992 |
15 / 19 | New World Mine Project, “Federal Agencies” (U.S.
Fishand Wildlife) |
1990-1997 |
15 / 20 | New World Mine Project, Geochemical Evaluation(Schafer
and Associates) |
1994, 1996 |
15 / 21 | New World Mine Project, Geochemistry and Groundwater
Hydrochemistry |
1996 |
15 / 22 | New World Mine Project, Geology |
1990-1996 |
15 / 23 | New World Mine Project, Greater Yellowstone
Coalition |
1990-1995 |
15 / 24 | New World Mine Project, HRIP (Hard Rock Impact
Plan) |
1994 |
16 / 1 | New World Mine Project, Integrated Water Management
and Discharge Strategy |
1994 |
16 / 2 | New World Mine Project, Interagency |
1989-1998 |
16 / 3 | New World Mine Project, “Investigation of the
Mineralogy Of Gold and Copper Mineralized Rocks” |
1989 |
16 / 4 | New World Mine Project, “Lithology…on Humidity Cell
Test Samples” |
1995 |
16 / 5 | New World Mine Project, Maps |
undated |
16 / 6 | New World Mine Project, Meetings |
1989-1994 |
16 / 7 | New World Mine Project, Memorandum of Understanding |
1989-1994 |
16 / 8-10 | New World Mine Project, Miscellaneous |
1990-1996 |
16 / 11 | New World Mine Project, Mine Site Power
Generation |
1990-1995 |
16 / 12 | New World Mine Project, MPDES (Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System) Permit |
1993-1995 |
16 / 13 | New World Mine Project, National Environmental
Protection Act comments |
1993 |
16 / 14 | New World Mine Project, Project tailings (Hemlo Gold
Mines, Inc.) |
1996 |
16 / 15 | New World Mine Project, Newsletters (Greater
Yellowstone Coalition, Beartooth Alliance, USDA Forest Service) |
1990-1996 |
16 / 16 | New World Mine Project, PER/EA/EIS – Forest Service
Environmental Assessment |
1988-1994 |
16 / 17 | New World Mine Project, PER/EA/EIS |
1992 |
16 / 18-19 | New World Mine Project, PER/EA/EIS – Mineral
Withdrawal EIS |
1997 |
16 / 20-21 | New World Mine Project, Photographs |
1994 |
16 / 22 | New World Mine Project, Plans of Operation |
1989-1998 |
16 / 23-17 / 1 | New World Mine Project, Plans of Study |
1989-1995 |
17 / 2 | New World Mine Project, Power line Base Line
Data |
1990 |
17 / 3 | New World Mine Project, Project
Description |
1989 |
17 / 4 | New World Mine Project, Proposed Water Resources
Monitoring Work Plan |
1992 |
17 / 5-12 | New World Mine Project, Public Involvement – Comment
Letters |
1992-1995 |
17 / 13 | New World Mine Project, “Reclamation Research in the
New World” |
1996 |
17 / 14 | New World Mine Project, Recreation Resource Study
Plan |
undated |
17 / 15 | New World Mine Project, “Responses to the 5th
Completeness Review” |
1993 |
17 / 16 | New World Mine Project, Rock Mechanics
Review |
1991 |
17 / 17 | New World Mine Project, Report of Site
FC-2(E) |
1992 |
17 / 18 | New World Mine Project, Request for Qualifications/
Proposals |
1990-1994 |
17 / 19 | New World Mine Project, Request for Qualifications –
CH2MHill |
1991 |
17 / 20 | New World Mine Project, Request for Qualifications –
IMS, Inc. |
1991 |
17 / 21 | New World Mine Project, “Scoping” (includes meetings
and reports) |
1993-1994 |
18 / 1 | New World Mine Project, Socioeconomics and Cultural
Resources (includes mitigation plan) |
1991-1996 |
18 / 2 | New World Mine Project, “Tailing Storage Facility
Siting Study” |
1992 |
18 / 3 | New World Mine Project, “Technical Support
Documents” |
1991-1995 |
18 / 4 | New World Mine Project, Transportation (mine access) |
1993-1996 |
18 / 5 | New World Mine Project,
Vegetation/Re-vegetation |
1991 |
18 / 6 | New World Mine Project, Water Monitoring Plans/Maps |
1989-1997 |
18 / 7 | New World Mine Project, Water Monitoring
Reports |
1989-1997 |
18 / 8-13 | New World Mine Project, Water Resources Baseline
Monitoring |
1992-1994 |
18 / 14 | New World Mine Project, Water Resources
Monitoring |
1996 |
18 / 15 | New World Mine Project, Water Rights |
1995-1996 |
18 / 16 | New World Mine Project, Water Quality |
1994 |
18 / 17 | New World Mine Project, Wetlands |
1995 |
18 / 18 | New World Mine Project, Wildlife – Threatened/
Endangered Species |
1990-1996 |
19 / 1-20 / 2 | Zortman and Landusky Mine project, Proposal for
Preparation of EIS (ACZ, Inc.; ENSR Consulting and Engineering; Mariah Associates,
Inc.; Steffen, Robertson, and Kirsten; Westec; TRC Environmental
Consultants) |
1991-1992 |
20 / 3 | Zortman and Landusky, Public Comments (EIS) |
1978-1979 |
20 / 4 | Zortman and Landusky, Request for
Proposals |
1978 |
20 / 5 | Zortman and Landusky, “Statement of Qualifications and
Proposal to Provide Environmental Consultant Services” |
1992 |